Linear regression in Python from scratch

In this article, I’ll show you how to program linear regression in Python using ONLY MATH. In this way, I will help you understand how this algorithm works deep down.

Let’s get started.


I have already written an article that discusses linear regression thoroughly, explaining the mathematical concepts and steps of the algorithm with pictures and examples.

I suggest you read it before continuing.

Decision tree in Python

Problem statement

We want to solve a regression problem with only numerical features by fitting a decision tree to the data.

1. Import necessary libraries

import numpy

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

In this code, I only use Numpy, a library useful for dealing with lists and matplotlib to plot my data and model.

2. Define a dataset

train_X = {
    "LotArea":[50, 70, 100],

train_y = {
    "SalePrice":[100, 105, 180]

I use a dictionary structure to store my dataset about house prices.

3. Initialize the parameters

slope = 0

intercept = 0

4. Set the hyperparameters

learning_rate = 0.0001

max_steps = 100

The learning rate regulates the size of the parameters update and the max steps the number of iterations.

5. Update the parameters using gradient descent

for i in range(max_steps):

    w_derivatives = 0

    b_derivatives = 0

    for l in range(len(train_X["Area"])): 
        x = train_X["Area"][l]
        y = train_y["Price"][l]
        N = len(train_X["Area"])
        w_derivatives += 2/N * -x * (y - (slope * x + intercept))
        b_derivatives += 2/N * -1 * (y - (slope * x + intercept))

    slope -= learning_rate * w_derivatives

    intercept -= learning_rate * b_derivatives 

6. Display the line

pyplot.plot(train_X["Area"], [slope * x + intercept for x in train_X["Area"]],  train_X["Area"], train_y["Price"], "o")

Linear regression in Python full code

import numpy

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

train_X = {
    "Area":[50, 70, 100]

train_y = {
    "Price":[100, 125, 200]

slope = 0

intercept = 0

learning_rate = 0.0001

max_steps = 100

for i in range(max_steps):

    w_derivatives = 0

    b_derivatives = 0

    for l in range(len(train_X["Area"])): 
        x = train_X["Area"][l]
        y = train_y["Price"][l]
        N = len(train_X["Area"])
        w_derivatives += 2/N * -x * (y - (slope * x + intercept))
        b_derivatives += 2/N * -1 * (y - (slope * x + intercept))

    slope -= learning_rate * w_derivatives

    intercept -= learning_rate * b_derivatives 

pyplot.plot(train_X["Area"], [slope * x + intercept for x in train_X["Area"]],  train_X["Area"], train_y["Price"], "o")

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